
Welcome to Annapolis Collaborative Practice

About ACP Our Services For Patients


The Annapolis Collaborative Practice supports the residency program and has a 1st Year Medical Resident and 2nd Year Medical Resident on two year rotations under the Dalhousie University Family Medicine Residency Program.  The residents are a great asset to the practice as their work helps decrease wait times for existing patients.  To learn more about the Residents please visit the "Meet Our Team" page.


Download an article about what the Residency Program means for the Annapolis Valley.
Download a brochure about the Residency Program.



Well-Woman Clinics

The Annapolis Collaborative Practice offers Well-Woman Clinics that are open to the public.  These clinics are for Pap tests only and are run by female physicians and nurses.  The clinics are offered monthly.  Please contact our office to book an appointment.

Same Day / Next Day Appointments

The Annapolis Collaborative Practice now offers same day / next day appointments to attend to patients more urgent medical needs.  A Duty Clinician (physician or nurse practitioner) is assigned each day to ensure appointments are available.  Please contact our office to book an appointment.

Flu Vaccine

The Annapolis Collaborative Practice is offering the Flu vaccine this fall; after Thanksgiving, to the general public.  Please contact our office at (902) 532-2324 to book an appointment for your flu shot.  Please remember to bring your NS Health Card with you to the appointment and to advise the receptionist upon registering if you are pregnant.

New Years Day

NS Heritage Day

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Victoria Day

Canada Day

Natal Day

Labor Day


Remembrance Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day


Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Holidays:  Closed

Annapolis Collaborative Practice
821 St. George Street
P.O. Box 573
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
B0S 1A0

Phone: (902) 532-2324

Fax: (902) 532-5424

Map & Directions


821 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, B0S 1A0
(902) 532-2324